The Dragon Realm mod actually takes things up a notch by giving dragons more strength. This mod also replaces the eye of ender with a nether star in the recipe of End Crystal. The eggs will spawn just next to the portal because everything in the End will reset as the dragon dies, including the portal itself. Everytime you kill a dragon, it will leave behind an egg. This is yet another mod that spawns more dragon eggs. So there will be a lot more dragon eggs now instead of just one! But do know that it does not work with the kill command. The More Dragon Eggs mod is a pretty basic dragon themed mod for Minecraft that leaves a new dragon egg every time a dragon (after the first one) is killed. So if you play any of reikakalseki’s mods, you need to get your hands on the DragonAPI lib. If you don’t have the API, the game will crash. This library mod is created for all of reikakalseki’s mods to provide functionality and utility. So no matter the dragon, they will all be equal now!
Only spawn eggs on the pedestal (this will drop eggs and give less XP). Keep the behavior of all the dragons the same, as if they were the first dragon (this will drop eggs and give more XP). The EqualDragons is a pretty basic dragon mod that creates all dragons equally. This mod also adds the dragon armor for both the dragon and the player, increased health and immunity of dragons, some new tools and an all new fire breathing dragon to spice things up a bit! You can tame the dragons that are hatched from these eggs and pet them to be ridden in the skies. This dragon themed mod brings the useless Ender Dragon eggs to good use by turning them into hatchable eggs. The Dragon Mounts 2 is created for modpacks. The new mod fixes the “dragon’s render distance” bug, “dragons not waking up when hit” bug, “sea serpent armor repairing” bug and many other major problems in the Ice and Fire 1.7.1 mod. It is developed to be used in the RL Craft modpack. The ISeeDragons mod is created to fix a few major problems with the dragons in the Ice and Fire mod. It also introduces some great features like a random chance of different kinds of dragons spawning and an all new way to spawn dragon fights using an egg that is held by endermen. This minecraft dragon mod replaces the old dragon fight and removes the melee and fight stages with dragons to offer a whole new experience. So if you play any of sokratis12GR’s mods, you will be needing TheDragonLib for sure. This mod is a common code that provides functionality and some necessary utilities for the above mentioned mods. TheDragonLib mod is a library package mod that is created to run most of the sokratis12GR’s mods.